Not Only Yours but Others Also

This year let’s learn to care about others and their needs as much as we care about our ourselves! Doing so means seeing souls in everyone we know. It involves putting “agape” love into practice by inviting family, friends, and neighbors to church events, Bible studies, and worship services. It implies finding ways to help others get to heaven, as we strive to get there ourselves. It is learning how to serve as Jesus served.

There is so much depth to Philippians 2:4! That is why each month of this year, we will be emphasizing a different passage that will help teach us another practical aspect of the principle found in Philippians 2. Just like climbing a mountain, don’t just focus on getting yourself to the top, but help others get there, too!

JANUARY — John 1 :46

FEBRUARY — Mark 12:30-31

MARCH — Galatians 6:1 0

APRIL — Romans 15:1-2

MAY — 1 Cor 10:32-33

JUNE — Luke 10:29-36

JULY — Matthew 7:12

AUGUST — 1 Timothy 4:16

SEPTEMBER — Romans 12:15

OCTOBER — Mark 16:15

NOVEMBER — 1 Corinthians 9:22

DECEMBER — Philippians 2:4