Can We Fall From Grace Part 2

Last week, we presented a few points regarding why people leave the church. This week, I would like to address the fallacy of teaching that it is impossible to fall away, or that there is no chance someone could lose their salvation. Such a position evokes numerous questions and stands in contrast to the Scriptures. Think about it for a minute, if someone cannot fall from grace, or if one cannot lose the gift of salvation, meaning no entrance into heaven will be supplied, then how do you answer these 10 questions:

  1. Why did Jesus warn the church at Ephesus saying, “I will remove your candlestick” in Revelation 2:5? That’s a clear indication that one’s position of salvation can be expunged. This can certainly happen if a Christian sins and will not repent! 
  2. Why did Jesus teach that we should produce fruit or otherwise be discarded as dry branches (John 15:6)? Do not forget that Jesus was addressing His disciples (cf. John 14). We glorify God when we produce fruit! If we cannot fall, then why should we be bothered with producing fruit for God? 
  3. Why did Jesus say: “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven’ ” in Matthew 7:21? These people were followers of Christ, they were not unbelievers! But, apparently they hadn’t done something correctly. 
  4. Why does the Bible clearly use the word “fall” and other phrases that clearly state, or imply such a possibility is always present? (cf. 1 Corinthians 10:12; Galatians 5:4; 1 Timothy 3:7; Hebrews 3:12, 6:6; Revelation 2:5) 
  5. Why did Simon the magician have to repent and ask for forgiveness after being baptized (Acts 8: 20-24)? It is clear that he obeyed the Gospel and was saved (vs. 13). If one can’t fall from grace, what was that all about? 
  6. Why did the apostles write so much about false teachers? Why are there so many warnings if there is no danger of falling? (Colossians 2: 8; Galatians 1; 2 Peter; 1 John) What difference does it make that there are false teachers? 
  7. Why do we need to confess our sins to be cleansed again by the blood of Christ if one cannot fall from grace (1 John 1:9)? The warning is to people who had already been baptized (had already received salvation). John wrote, “we,” which included himself, an apostle, in the group. So, one of Jesus’ own righteous apostle needed to be forgiven? 
  8. Why did Jesus pray for Peter “so that [his] faith would not be not lacking” (Luke 22: 31-32)? What’s the implication? 
  9. Why does Peter say we must “stand firm in the faith” if there is no possibility of falling (2 Peter 1:10)? For clarity, note 2 Peter 2:20: “… having escaped the defilements of the world.” This refers to one’s salvation. These people had become entangled in sin once again after having obeyed the Gospel. He describes it as a dog returning to his vomit. 
  10. Don’t forget that God’s people in the Old Testament (Israel) were a rebellious people. An entire generation lost their right (inheritance) to enter the Promised Land (Numbers 32:13-15). Has God changed in this Christian dispensation? Is God more compassionate today with sinners than what he was before? Of course not! Sin is sin — from then to now.

The questions don’t stop there either! If someone can’t fall from grace, then … why should we meet together with the church? Why should we study the Word? Why should we walk in the light? Why should we do anything more than just be baptized? It makes NO sense! We need to really take into consideration that when a doctrine produces so many questions, contrary to plain Scripture, then there must be something wrong with it! The Bible is simple and easy to understand. It is not necessary to do “circus acrobatics” in order to reach a correct conclusion. Just read what the Bible says to do, do it, and be honest with yourself.

Finally, think about this: Suppose you are standing before the throne of God on the Day of Judgment. Which of the following is more secure to believe? (A) To believe in the possibility that one could fall and not make it to heaven, so you work hard to be obedient and stay on the path? Or, (B) believe it is NOT possible to fall away, and essentially, “in the end” will we will all get there? One of these thoughts is very dangerous, the other is in harmony with the Bible. Which one will you choose?