Conjunto Esperanza Church of Christ, Fortaleza, Brazil

Our missionaries, Sebastian and Patricia Garcia, are working in Fortaleza, Brazil with the Conjunto Esperanza church of Christ.

Mission Reports

Greetings brothers. May the grace and the peace of our Lord be with us always for all eternity.

I’m glad to send a new report about the work here in Fortaleza city in Conjunto Esperança Church of Christ.

We finished our Sunday Bible Studies in regard to baptism’s history and doctrine. In the first Sunday of March I will give some tests about this topic and then, in the next Sunday, I am going to start teaching the book of Revelation.

A few days ago, Brazil celebrated its annual carnival. We as a church of Christ had a couples retreat with several congregations and, as a host, it was chosen our congregation in Conjunto Esperança.

On top of that, we and some brothers have been visiting other brethren during the carnival to share a fellowship time.

I got in touch with two men, one called Helder and the other one is known as Cleber.

In regard to Cleber, we had a Bible Study online as he wished. I showed him the gospel but he didn’t decide to get baptized yet. Please, keep your prayers for him.

In regard to the other one, I mean, Helder, we didn’t have a Bible Study yet. For the time being we are just talking. He seems to be a very busy man. But, I pray to have the opportunity to show him the gospel.

I keep writing and posting on Facebook and WhatsApp a devotional thought per day (except on Sundays).

I keep teaching some newborns in the faith and some brethren from Piauí and some from Itarema and so on.

I also keep preaching and teaching in our congregation on Fridays and Sundays.

I am still teaching our brother Ananias to get ready for the preaching. By the way, he is going to preach in March.

In this month we also cleaned the church building.

Sometimes I receive phone calls (cell calls?) from brothers around other states to help them clarifying some topics about the sound doctrine.


I keep taking some philosofy classes and I keep taking some Greek grammar classes on books and YouTube videos. I want to read the whole New Testament in its original language. After that, I could teach some Greek grammar to our brothers.

We thank you for your spiritual and financial support. Please, keep us in yours prayers.

If you need any more info, please feel free to get in touch with me. God bless you!

Greetings brothers. May the grace and the peace of our Lord be with us always for all eternity.

I’m glad to send a new report about the work here in Fortaleza city in Conjunto Esperança Church of Christ.

In this month, we visited some brethren and we also received the visit of some brothers to discuss about women’s preaching in their meetings. Our sister Marta got in touch with our sisters to say I could help them to learn how to prepare an efficient biblical preaching and what kind of topic would be useful for them.

I was also meeting with some brothers to discuss about some brothers’ behavior and how to deal with that. It seems there is an adulterous affair. Please, I ask you for prayers. We need to deal with the best way as possible.

During this month, women had their meeting as each month and we men also had our meeting to discuss about our congregation.

I keep writing and posting on Facebook and WhatsApp a devotional thought per day (except on Sundays). I think I could make a book from those writings.

I keep teaching some newborns in the faith and some brethren from Piauí and some from Itarema and so on.

Our sister Célia heard about my Bible classes and asked me if she could join in. I said yes! So she studies once a week with me.

In this month, I was invited by our brother Cesar Emanuel Rodrigues to partake in a Mexican meeting in Spanish to be interviewed to share about my life as a missionary and how I was growing up as a Christian. From that day on, I can be now at their disposal to help them.

Our sister Veronica from Mexico asked me how to deal with atheism. The reason why she asked me that is because one of her sons is having problems with that. I gave her some tips and I recommended some books I know in Spanish as well.

I hope to be useful in more occasions for them.

I keep preparing our brother Ananias to get ready for preaching.

At the end of this month, our sister Maria José, well known as Dona Mazé, from Centro Church of Christ, she passed away at the age of 71.

She was a faithful servant of God and through her, 34 members of her big family turned into Christ.

Me and my wife went to her funeral to give some encouragement words to her family.

On top of that, I keep preaching and teaching in our congregation on Fridays and Sundays.

We thank you for your spiritual and financial support. Please, keep us in yours prayers.

If you need any more info, please feel free to get in touch with me. God bless you!

Greetings brothers. May the grace and the peace of our Lord be with us always for all eternity.

I’m glad to send a new report about the work here in Fortaleza city in Conjunto Esperança Church of Christ.

During this month I was preaching and teaching at Conjunto Esperança Church of Christ on Fridays and Sundays. More brethren are excited in learning more about the sound doctrine. Why? Because in the state of Ceará, almost every congregation focus more on ethics and morality and not much about theological topics.

I could give you a picture of that. If you ask someone from any congregation, something like; “Brother, do you think catholic people are our brothers and sisters in Christ?” Most of them probably will answer you saying yes.

In my experience, I discovered something kind of interesting. Studying the Bible is kind of a bifurcation. It begins like one road, but then, you come across the bifurcation. On one side, you’re going to use the Bible to learn a good and approved behaviour before God. On the other side, you will learn about theological things, something more theoretical than empirical. Both of them compounds “the sound doctrine”.

The problem is, many congregations focus more on teaching and learning about morality like, maybe 95 percent and only 5 percent on theological studies. That is a problem because, someday and somehow one congregation could become a denomination. I think we must focus on both sides of the sound doctrine and that is my work here. I am trying to solve it, or better saying, God is fixing that through me. To God be the glory!

Other news to share with you is both me and my Patrícia were invited to be in two weddings.

The first one occurs here in Fortaleza, both Elis and Ananias are our brothers in Christ and members of Conjunto Esperança Church of Christ. We went there as guests.

The second one occurs in Itarema. This one went a little different.

The bride and groom, I mean, Josiane and Raul asked me to go to Itarema to assist their wedding to estate some beautiful words blessing their marriage and make a praying in front of everyone.

That seems to be a good news! Right? Well, it depends.


Both of them were baptized years ago. However, they stopped meeting in the worship services from a long time.

Other issue is they were fornicating and drinking alcoholic drinks in public places. For those things I told them that I can’t go to Itarema and estate beautiful words and to make a praying because that would be hypocritical before God. Doing that I would just give the devil an opportunity to murmur against the Church. So we decided not go. I talked with Raul, I explained him and he said he understood and he would do the same thing in my position.

On top of that, We were visiting some brothers, I keep teaching our brothers of discipleship and now, we have three other brothers in the group from other congregations. Gabriel from Centro Church of Christ and Breno and Cláudia from Maracanaú Church of Christ.

Other stuff to share is our brother Ananias asked me to teach him hermeneutic and homiletic, the art of preaching. I accepted to help him in this matter.

I keep writing devotional thoughts and posting them on Facebook and WhatsApp every single day (except on Sundays) and I keep teaching some brothers from the state of Piauí and from Itarema city.

In this month our sisters had a women meeting in the last Saturday and we as a congregation had a lunchtime in the last Sunday after our worship services.

We thank you for your spiritual and financial support. Please, keep us in yours prayers.

If you need any more info, please feel free to get in touch with me. God bless you!

Greetings brothers. May the grace and the peace of our Lord be with us always for all eternity.

I’m glad to send a new report about the work here in Fortaleza city in Conjunto Esperança Church of Christ.

In this month I was invited to preach in José Walter Church of Christ, it is other congregation in Fortaleza city. The topic was about the parable of the good Samaritan.

I was also preparing our brother Darlan from Itarema to exhort the Lord’s supper, it was his first time. He was nervous. I helped him leading him on what to say and how to say it. As you know, there are brothers there, but he looked for me to get ready for that service.

I keep teaching some newborns in the faith, they are Priscila, Nilda, Raissa, Júnior and Beatriz. I am teaching about the kingdom, answering questions like; what’s the kingdom like? Who’s the owner? Did the kingdom already come or not? Before that, we have been studying about the meaning of the Church. Please, keep praying for them.

I keep teaching our congregation in Conjunto Esperança Church of Christ on Fridays and Sundays. We keep studying about the baptism; its meaning, purpose, and how was changing along the ages in the denomination world. Thanks God it’s being successful.

I keep teaching some brothers from the state of Piauí and Ryan from Itarema.

I keep writing devotional thoughts and posting them on Facebook and WhatsApp every single day (except on Sundays).

I was preaching and exhorting on our worship services.

We received some visits in our house from members of the Church, we had a blast with them and we used our time to cheer them up.

We have also been invited to explore other city called Pecém by our brothers Rogério and his wife Sandra along with their son Thiago to explore the dunes. We have a good time.

We have been visiting some brothers and we hung out with Júnior and Beatriz to have a sincere fellowship.

Some brothers from Maracanaú city heard about my lessons and they are interested to study the Bible with me. I talked to them and I’m just waiting for them to choose the day and the schedule. Other brother from downtown Church of Christ wants to learn the Bible with me.


On top of that, We had approved our first semester in college. We are very glad and we believe that knowledge we are getting will be quite useful in the kingdom.

We ask you brothers to keep praying for our work here and for the souls. We thank you for your spiritual and financial support. To God be the glory.

Greetings brothers. May the grace and the peace of our Lord be with us always for all eternity.

Glad to send a new report about the work here in Fortaleza city in the Conjunto Esperança Church of Christ.

In this month, we began our Sunday Bible Study. A little while ago I suggested to have that ministry and our brothers agreed with that, so I started teaching since the first Sunday of October before our Sunday Worship Service. For the time being I am in charge of this task all alone. In the moment, our topic is about “Baptism”. Because some of our members (or rather, visitors) were baptized in a denominational church. I’ve heard churches of Christ in the state of Ceará have a problem with lack of knowledge, and I totally agree because of my experience in Itarema city. On top of that, our brethren our quite happy for our Bible classes, they only needed someone to prepare them.

I keep teaching Ryan from Itarema, and I keep teaching our brothers and sisters from the state of Piauí, in the Luís Correia city.

There’s a new converted in Luís Correia called Cleiton. He comes from a pentecostal church. Our brothers from that city asked me to help him to guide him with the correct interpretation of the Bible, because he has many questions and they feel like they aren’t prepared to answer all of those questions. I accepted and thanks God, he’s growing up in this matter. He speaks well, so I think he has a great potential to some day be a preacher.

During this month it was our turn to clean the church building. There’s a calender for cleaning, every weekend a couple clean the building. This month it was our turn.

We had a youth meeting and the topic was: “You are important for God”.

Me and Patrícia had the opportunity to meet a couple from Jehovah’s Witnesses. They came to our house and we studied the Bible. I suggested them to immediately approach topics like the divine nature of Jesus, about his eternity, about the Holy Spirit, about the name of God and about the Bible translation. You could imagine how was their reaction!

In the last minute I asked one of them: “What would you do if you someday discover that Jehovah’s Witnesses’ teachings are false and your church is a false church? Would you leave it? And one of them answered: “No”.

As you can see, there are people with blinded eyes. Even if they understood the truth, they prefer to follow an institute and not our God.


In this month women went to zoo with their children to have a nice day with them. They also had a Lady Bible Study and the men, we had a meeting to discuss some things about the church.

I got some contacts to teach the Gospel, I gave them my phone number if they are interested to study the Bible and I’m waiting for. Please, pray for them to have a heart touched by God.

I started teaching Júnior and Beatriz giving them some lessons about discipleship. We have been talking about the Church, and now I am teaching them about the Kingdom.

Other sisters got in touch with me asking me to give them the same lessons that I’m sharing with Júnior and Beatriz, so they are being taught by me as well.

As usual, I keep teaching our congregation on Fridays. Last Friday we had two visitors, please pray for them.

We also had other visitors on last Sunday, please pray for them.

I keep writing devotional thoughts and posting them on Facebook and WhatsApp (except on Sundays).

During this time me and my wife visited some brothers to have a devotional time and also to help some of them with emotional issues.

On top of that, I keep taking part in exhorting in sermons, Lord’s supper and in the offering time.

As a routine, I keep studying to give my very best.

Me and my wife are very grateful for your support brothers. Please, keep us in your prayers.

Glad to sending you a new report about my work here and to tell you all the wonders God made here, dear brethren.

Back in the very beginning of September we had a three-days youth retreat made up of almost all of the youth from every congregation of Fortaleza city. The main topic was about New Identity. In this event, I was invited to teach and exhort some brothers and sister talking about how we must deal in this sinful world. On top of that I also was helping in games and things in regard to the retreat.

We had a worship service on Sunday with the youth and I preached in the Lord’s supper. A few days after the retreat, we had a meeting with all of the brothers and sisters who took part in the event to talk about what was good, bad or in what we could improve. I was invited to give some words to encourage our brethren.

Some days later, our congregation had a garage sale. Me and some brethren were selling old clothes to collect some money to invest to supply our congregation’s needs.

Another thing, we had a Saturday meeting with our own youth group to watch a movie known as Narnia, afterwards, we had a devotional time using some passages from the movie and comparing some similarities with the Bible.

In this month, we had a three-days course about eldership in the congregation of Centro (downtown), from our brother Ricardo Sobral. He’s one of the preachers of the Bible School in Recife (EBNESR seminary). I was there to learn more about it and the information was very useful. At that Sunday, we had a family worship service in Centro, this means, all of the congregations from Fortaleza city were worshiping in the same place. I think, there were around 400 brethren.

We also had a men meeting and a women meeting to discuss our next steps.

As usual, I was teaching some brothers from Itarema city and some brothers from the state of Piauí on Google meet or video callings.

On top of that, I taught a group of brothers and sisters from different places around Brazil on Zoom. My topic was about Church, the pillar and foundation of truth according to the Old and New Testament.

I also was writing and posting a devotional day on Facebook and WhatsApp groups every single day, except on Sundays. Speaking of which, I created a page for Church of Christ Conjunto Esperança on Facebook to share photos, news, devotionals, etc.

We have two new brothers! They are Beatriz and Júnior, Nowadays they are dating. She is 20 and he is 24. I showed them the Gospel and taught them our great responsibility as Christians. From now on, I will be in charge of them.


I am going to start to teach them the most important things that every Christians must know about the sound doctrine per week.

On top of that, you must know there are a few problems at Church of Christ Centro and there is a huge bunch of youth without much knowledge about the sound doctrine. So then, a few of them asked me to teach them. Of course, my answer was yes!

I still preach the gospel to Osório, please pray for him.

In other moments we were visiting some brothers to encourage and give them some comfort with the Bible.

I was preaching and teaching in Conjunto Esperança Church of Christ weekly on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.

As a routine, I keep studying to give my very best.

Me and my wife are very grateful for your support brothers. Please, keep us in your prayers.

Greetings to all of you dear brethren and the grace, mercy and peace from God be with everyone always.

During this month, me along with my wife went to show the Holy Gospel to both Kailane and her mother and Osório as well. We do not know exactly why, but, Kailane gave up on the Gospel, maybe because of the responsibility of a new life in Christ. However, we still visit Osório, the good news is he eagerly listens to the preaching. Please pray for them.

In addition to that, we are planning new people to drop by and teach the message of salvation.

In this month I was teaching and managing Scriptural studies to the congregation on Fridays. Actually, I assumed that labor all along.

I wrote and posted Scriptural thoughts on social media, like Facebook and WhatsApp every single day, except on Sundays.

We had two events, “women day” and “father’s day”. The first one occurs once a month. In father’s day we made a great breakfast and we decorated the church building. After the worship Service, children were reading letters for their fathers.

I was also keeping teaching Ryan and Darlan from Itarema and I still teach all of our brothers and sisters from Piauí state.

We had a men’s meeting to plan our future activities. I proposed to them to have Bible courses on Sundays, like an hour before the Worship Services (as you can see, they are not accustomed to Bible courses on Sundays as many congregations are used to). I explained that this is a necessary task to build up our congregation. They totally agreed with me, so it was decided I will prepare the courses and the course packets. I will manage this responsibility.

The topic during the next Sundays will be about “Baptism”, I shall show about the historical context, when and how has changed in the way of baptism and of course, the right way and meaning of Baptism. A brother suggested this topic because there are a few people baptized in a denomination.

Our Bible courses will begin in October, because in September we already have many activities to do.

I was serving in the Worship Services.

As usually, I keep reading many books to be always ready to be a good servant. On top of that, in this month I started studying Philosophy. I see it as a good tool when used correctly.

I purchased a laptop, the older one I had it is obsolete.


Greetings to all of you my dear brethren and may the grace, the mercy and the peace of our Lord be with us always. I am pretty grateful to God for everything He’s doing in us and through us. I’m sure, serving God it is a great honor for real.

In the very beginning of July I was visiting our brothers and several families in the last days in Itarema city, to wish them a farewell and giving them words of encouragement. We also kept preaching in the worship services and visiting Maria’s family to teach them the holy gospel. I talked with our brother Wandberg to take care of them from now on.

We finally moved to Fortaleza city and we are already installed in our new home. Thanks God the moving was quick and safe.

The first days in Fortaleza I was getting around the city to be more familiarized, especially driving in my motorbike, because there’s a big difference between Itarema and Fortaleza. Thanks God I am getting accustomed, it’s not a big deal.

Me and Patrícia are welcomed from our brothers from Conjunto Esperança, and by the way, this month flew by!

In the past few weeks we’ve been visiting our brothers from Conjunto Esperança and with some of them we’ve been talking about many projects we intend to do, we’ll keep discussing and of course, I’ll let you know.

I proposed in my heart to write and post on Facebook and WhatsApp every single day (except on Sundays) a devotional, a scriptural thought to teach and encourage people. I already began doing it. I don’t know there but here, somehow it helps a lot our brothers. On top of that, I intend to make a Facebook account for Conjunto Esperança Church of Christ. There I will share the day’s devotional as I am doing it nowadays in my own account.

I had the idea to make theological or Bible studies videos on YouTube in Portuguese. I shared my thoughts about it with our brothers and they totally agree. Actually, they are more than happy for that. So God willing I’ll make it come true. I just need some time to learn more about how to edit videos and little by little I will buy some equipment for that purpose.

Our brothers from Conjunto Esperança discussed between them and they decided to choose me as the one to be in charge of our Bible studies on Fridays. So from that day on I am teaching our brothers on Fridays in the church building.

Me and my wife were also helping our youthful group, especially on Saturdays teaching and make some games. Beyond that, we had man and women meetings.


on. On Sundays I was serving in the worship services preaching, exhorting, and go

Other good news it has to do with our brothers from Piauí state. On behalf of them, our brother Samuel got in touch with me to ask me if I could teach them some Bible classes on video callings. I accepted doing it once a week on Tuesdays evening. We already began and the topic is about: “Our mission as Christians”.

In addition to that, I keep teaching Darlan and Ryan from Itarema on video callings.

As a usual, I keep preparing myself learning deep and profound the Holy Scripture and reading a tons of books. O great preacher needs to act and react as Jesus, pray as Jesus and we need to have a gigantic library to know as much as Jesus as possible.

By the way, me and my wife decided to enrolled in College with the purpose to be more useful. As you know, I studied in “Bear Valley”, to begin as a theologian, so I decided to study “philosophy” and my wife agrees with that. Using rightly this skill, it could come in handy in the church.

My wife is HR, and now she’s going to study “accounting”.

As a hobby I keep my Italian language studies.

I have more news to share with you brothers, however I ponder it would be better to share it later. Thanks God everything is working out.

Once again, me and my wife thank you for the prayers and for the support we are receiving to serve God in His kingdom and helping our brothers. Please keep praying for this mission.

In the very beginning of this month, me and my wife went to Fortaleza city to get to know more with our brethren in Conjunto Esperança and we also tried to find a good house or apartment to rent that fits according to our needs. We stayed in Fortaleza for two Sundays but less than two weeks. We had fellowship with our brothers and sisters in both worship services and I was invited to preach in both occasions.

After that, we went back to Itarema city. During our days there we visited some families and also some brothers in Christ to give words of encouragement and we taught them with some Bible lessons. On top of that, I was serving in our worship services as usual.

We met a woman called Maria, she and her family, Joaquim (husband) and her younger son; Espedito, opened up their hearts to listen to the word of God, so during two weeks we visited them to preach the gospel. All of them grew up in a Catholic church, so as you know, sometimes it is harder, but, looking on the bright sight, they were excited for learning more. I got in touch with our brother Wandeberg to visit them in our absence.

I was giving especial lessons of discipleship for two newborn in Christ; Darlan and Ryan. I intend to keep teaching them even living in Fortaleza.

We had the especial visit of a team of AME (Adventures in Evangelistic Missions) from João Pessoa (capital city of the state of Paraíba). They stayed in Itarema for four days and the purpose of that was to help us to spread the gospel in the city. It was great and all of us were built up because of this fellowship. I was their guide to show the city and on top of that I was working with them. They have a huge potencial.

After those days we had our second couple’s retreat of the year. It was wonderful. Our brother Ivan and Silvana from Fortaleza were with us. We had some games, lessons and a delicious diner in a restaurant.

We recently came back to Fortaleza to talk more with Conjunto Esperaça and find a place to rent. Everything is working out.

Please, pray for Maria, Joaquim and Espedito to accept the message of the gospel to be accepted by Christ in his kingdom.

I also beg you to pray for our brothers in Itarema to be firmly in the right path.

Please, pray for our new mission in Conjunto Esperaça. To God be all the glory!

Sebastian & Patricia

Sebastian is from Asuncion, Paraguay and is a 2017 graduate of the Asuncion Bible Academy. He then went to Recife, Brazil to train with the Brazilian Adventures In Missions program which placed him in Itarema, Brazil. Since then, Sebastian has been working as a full-time preacher and evangelist in Northern Brazil, having baptized many into the faith.