

The meaning of benevolence is the “disposition to do good; kindliness; any act of kindness.” This is one of the things that God has always required of His people.

New Testament Christians are encouraged to care for the poor.

When we show our love and care for the poor and needy, we manifest God in ourselves for we are doing exactly what God desires and commands of us and it has a big impact not only upon the poor but also upon ourselves and the world around us.


What is a biblical example of charity? Jesus taught that we should give food to the hungry, shelter to those who have none, and clothes to the poor. When we visit the sick and those who are in prison, it is as if we were doing these things for Him instead. He promises that as we do these things, we will inherit His kingdom. (See Matthew 25:34–46.)

Feeding Those in Need

In a practical manner, we CAN do something to help. Margaret Street partners with agencies such as, Feed the Gulf Coast, the USDA and private donors, to provide perishable and nonperishable food to more than 100 households each month. Volunteers work to unload and prepare boxes of food to distribute to community residents.

Get Involved

We do many things as part of our benevolence ministry, but our Food Pantry is one of our more prominent efforts. Through various resources, such as Feed the Gulf Coast, the USDA, and private donations, we are able to regularly feed more than 100 households each month. If you find joy in helping feed those in our community, then this is a perfect ministry for you!

Contact us to see how you can get involved.