

Our Ministries

No matter what stage of life you are in, we have a place for you at the Margaret Street Church of Christ!

Reading bible

Study by Mail

At Margaret Street our Emphasis is on Gaining Spiritual Knowledge. Hosea 4:6 The apostle Peter tells every Christian to be ready to give a reason for the hope that is in him. A believer ought then to be able to give an adequate answer to the question “Why are you a Christian?”  The command to be ready with an answer is not just for pastors, teachers and elders, but to each Christian. We encourage you to ‘dig deeper’ into the word and…
Man Holding Globe.

Foreign Missions

The Margaret Street Church of Christ has been actively involved in various mission works, both locally and in foreign fields, for many years. The members of our congregation take the Great Commission very seriously about reaching the lost, even “unto the uttermost parts of the earth.” (Matthew 28:19,20; Acts 1:8). MISSION: BRAZIL Our missionaries, Sebastian and Patricia Garcia, are working in Fortaleza, Brazil with the Conjunto Esperanza church of Christ. Sebastian is from Asuncion, Paraguay and is a 2017 graduate of the…
United States Flag and Holy Bible on Distressed Wood Background

Domestic Missions

Domestic missions have become a crucial need in the United States. There are many towns in the States that either have no church of Christ, or they are dying out. There are also many congregations that have active members, but simply can’t afford a full-time evangelist to come work for them. In addition, there are also many young men who have the desire to labor full-time in the kingdom but lack the experience to effectively lead a congregation of the…
Group of diverse hands in a circle

Ways to Serve the Congregation

We know that everyone has different talents. To that end, we offer many different programs to allow each of us to serve in a way that complements our individual strengths. Building and Grounds Are you good with your hands, painting, or repairing things? Put your talents to use in our Building & Grounds Ministry, which is responsible for maintaining our facilities in a manner that is conducive to a comfortable worship environment and supportive of the other ministries we have…
Bible with a pencil, against the background of the living room.


OUR TOP PRIORITY: SPIRITUAL NOURISHMENT At Margaret Street, we recognize that in today’s world, the home and family are constantly under attack. Therefore, we want to provide support, encouragement, and spiritual nourishment to all our families in order to help them withstand those destructive forces. God said through the prophet Hosea, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” (Hosea 4:6) He was talking about the Scriptures – that which through, “His divine power has given to us all things…
Charity, donation, support, donor, giving, doctor


WHAT IT MEANS The meaning of benevolence is the “disposition to do good; kindliness; any act of kindness.” This is one of the things that God has always required of His people. New Testament Christians are encouraged to care for the poor. When we show our love and care for the poor and needy, we manifest God in ourselves for we are doing exactly what God desires and commands of us and it has a big impact not only upon…

Lads to Leaders

Since its foundation in 1968, the mission of Lads to Leaders (L2L) has been to develop youth into Christian leaders. From a group of eight boys in that first year to more than 20,000 today, the mission has remained the same. Over a quarter of a million participants have obtained leadership training through the L2L program since 1968. While many congregations report that they are losing half or more of their youth, congregations that incorporate L2L events (especially year-round) are…