Bible Study Resources

Bible Study Resources

Teaching and Class Handouts

External Resources

Apologetics Press is a virtual fount of Biblical information. Everyone is encouraged to visit the website to see all that they have to offer.

Designed to present the teaching of Jesus in a simple style to be easily understood. Its purpose was to help Christians become more knowledgeable in God’s Word, to fortify their faith in the Savior, and to equip every child of God for defending the truth and living righteously in a sinful world.

James Burton Coffman was a prolific author, preacher, teacher and leader among churches of Christ in the 20th century.

Coffman’s conservative interpretations affirm the inerrancy of the Bible and clearly point readers toward Scripture as the final basis for Christian belief and practice. The series includes every book of the Old and New Testaments.

E-Sword will provide you with an internet page that will enable you to download “E-Sword” which is absolutely free. This page will give you information about “E-Sword” and you can download it to your computer if you desire. An avid studier of the Bible will find “E-Sword” most useful.

At Focus Press, we desire all people everywhere to come to a full understanding, of true Christianity. Unfortunately, there is much confusion when it comes to the world of religion. Focus Press was formed to publish materials based on the inspired Word of God. Resources that are designed to provide understanding and clarity when it comes to issues that are, quite frankly, sometimes very difficult to comprehend.

Truth is a most precious thing. In our world, everyone is searching for something. If you are searching for answers to questions regarding God, Jesus, hope, happiness, faith, life after death, good and evil, the church, the Bible, God’s plan for you, or Jesus’ love for you, the answers to these can be found in this series of programs.​

WBS offers a core set of lesson booklets and online lessons known as the Master Series. The Bible-based lessons teach the fundamentals of God, His grace and love, Jesus, the Gospel message, the church, and Christian living. WBS courses are designed to increase your knowledge and faith in God by seeing for yourself what the Bible says.​

World Video Bible School is a site for any sort of objective study anyone would want to do on virtually any Biblical subject.