Ways to Serve the Congregation

Ways to Serve the Congregation

We know that everyone has different talents. To that end, we offer many different programs to allow each of us to serve in a way that complements our individual strengths.

Building and Grounds

Are you good with your hands, painting, or repairing things? Put your talents to use in our Building & Grounds Ministry, which is responsible for maintaining our facilities in a manner that is conducive to a comfortable worship environment and supportive of the other ministries we have that are involved in God’s work.

Education Ministry

Like to teach or help with education? Our Education Ministry focuses on making disciples by teaching the Scriptures to all ages. This helps us fulfill the second part of the “Great Commission” given by Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:19-20.

Evangelism Ministry

Want to tell others about Jesus? This ministry focuses on all means and methods of spreading the Gospel to our community and surrounding area. We use Bible Correspondence courses, face-to-face and group Bible studies, Social Media outlets, websites, newspapers, radio, and television to help us get the message out.

Fellowship Ministry

Do you like planning and organizing social events? This ministry provides members of the congregation with various opportunities, events, and activities to enjoy fellowship with one another, as well as a means for introducing non-members to the congregation in a comfortable setting.

Involvement Ministry

Like to help organize & coordinate? This ministry coordinates with new members to help them get integrated into the various areas of work of the church.

Kingdom Kids Ministry

Come help us grow! Transforming Young Minds: A fun and educational program for grade school children.

Prison Ministry

Have a heart for helping the incarcerated? This ministry involves visiting and leading Bible studies with inmates at the Santa Rosa Correctional Institution. We have a rotation of volunteers who go inside the prison to teach and mentor, grade Bible Correspondence Courses, and assist in other ways with the ministry.

Shut-In Ministry

Do you like to encourage people and brighten their day? This is a sharing and caring ministry designed to meet the needs of our shut-in community. Whether you are an encourager, servant, shepherd, or just passionate about showing compassion to the sick and elderly, this ministry is for you.

Technology Ministry

Be a part of our team to provide administrative support for the staff in the areas of data management, PowerPoint, web content management, or other.  If you are interested contact Troy Spradlin.

Visitation Ministry

Do you go out of your way to make people feel welcome? The Visitation Ministry is charged with contacting and visiting our guests, those who are sick, in the hospital, or have a special need, as well as our wayward members.

Worship Ministry

Plan, organize, and execute a worship service conducive for praise, glory, and honor to our God in Heaven. If you would like to help in any way, please contact us.

Youth Group Ministry

Working with, organizing, and implementing youth and family activities, devotionals, camps, mission trips, and community service projects are what makes up this vibrant ministry! There is never a dull moment with our wonderful youth and family group. If you have kids, love working with youth, or just like to help families, then you will fit right in with this ministry.