A Bible-based, Christ-centered, Family-focused, Mission-minded Church

Join us this Sunday morning at 9am. We also meet Sunday nights at 6pm and Wednesdays at 6:30pm We’ve saved you a seat.

Location Details

6745 Margaret Street Milton, FL 32570


A young man is reading the holy scriptures pointing to a Bible topic. bible book Bible reading

Bible Classes for All Ages

Mid-Week Studies Every Wednesday night has been set aside for mid-week Bible study and a devotional for the whole church and guests. You can expect the following schedule: Bible classes are available for all ages. This time is used to study God’s Word, and to encourage each other in our daily walk with God. Note: See our Bible Class information for available classes and subjects (40 minutes). As a group, we then meet in the auditorium for a devotional, which…
View of church pulpit with bible on it, overlooking the church

Sunday Morning Worship and Bible Classes

What to Expect Visiting a new church can be intimidating. When you’re our guest at the Margaret Street Church of Christ, you will never be asked to stand up and introduce yourself or do any other activity that makes you feel uncomfortable. We’d just love to have you! We want you to feel comfortable when you visit us for worship services, so here is a brief summary of what you can expect from a typical service with us: Praying:  We are…

I’m New Here

We welcome you to visit this Sunday…

Church Blog

Interior of a Korean church

The Purpose of the Church

In the years I have been in ministry, I have learned that people have a vast number of ideas about what the purpose of the church is. Some of our religious friends have a concept in mind that is more akin to a country club or a social organization. They go to church primarily to mingle and fraternize. To others, the church is a family identity. Phrases like, “Our family has always been, and will always be (fill in the…
Bible study, holding hands and group with faith, praying and friends with belief, Christian and God

Where Two or Three Are Gathered

There are many verses in the Bible that people like to quote that are actually a misuse of the verse, completely misunderstood, or simply do not exist. One such verse is Matthew 18:20, “For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” This verse is frequently cited to validate small gatherings of disciples, suggesting that even if only a few people are present, the Lord is still among them and it is therefore a…

Can I Do ALL Things In Christ Who Strengthens Me?

In late 2007, a young college football player was selected to receive the most prestigious award of the sport, the Heisman Trophy. Usually, being the recipient of such a high honor brings a lot of attention and opportunity. But by that year, Tim Tebow had already received a great deal of national attention and had even been subject to controversy. What was so polemical about this talented athlete? Was it because he was named Florida’s Player of the Year before he ever…
Concept of boxing and sport lifestyle with boxing gloves

“An Eye for an Eye, a Tooth for a Tooth”

Revenge is often considered one of the strongest human emotions. When we are hurt or betrayed, our hearts can quickly become overwhelmed by anger, resentment, and a strong sense of injustice. Seeking revenge may feel like a way to regain control and restore balance, but it’s not! Sampson is good Biblical example of what happens when we let emotions drive retaliation (Judges 15-16). Spoiler: it ends badly! Sadly, in our dark and fallen world, many believe they have the right to take…